Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Andy Goldsworthy Assignment

Do an online search of "Andy Goldsworthy" to see more examples of Andy Goldsworthy's work.

For this next assignment you will be going out into nature and rearrange or manipulate it in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. Take multiple photos from different angles. You'll be turning in your best photo of each nature scene that you've manipulated.
For this assignment you'll need to manipulate 10 different scenes in nature. You'll be turning in your 1 best photo for each scene you've made.  Take multiple photos of each scene you make so you have plenty of great options to choose from.
These 10 photos are due Monday, April 2nd.

Here are some examples done by Heather Ellis from Digital Photography last year.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Line/Texture/Pattern Assignment


Guggenheim Museum Frank Loyd Wright was a master of line and pattern in the buildings he designed. One of the most famous is the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York City.

For this assignment, you will capture 20 images that explore line, texture, and pattern in the world around you.


In this photograph the window frame literally frames the image of the patterns on the roof. Using one object to frame another is a great way to add depth to your photos. Experiment with a frame that adds contrast in terms of light or texture when compared with your subject.

This photograph used the macro function of the camera to capture the texture of an everyday object, tire tread. The image was enhanced with more contrast and the sharpen filter. You'll find lots of examples of lines, patterns and texture on cars. The macro setting on your camera will let you focus on objects only inches away.


In these images from Mark Moody's website, we see the macro used on the crab's eyes. There is contrast in color as well. Notice how the angle of the shot creates an impression of size. This photo would not have the same impact if it didn't use hard lighting.


Implied Lines

This photograph uses objects in a line. You'll have to scout around for these images but keep your photographic mind's eye open and you'll find them!


A Pattern is a repeated decorative design or a sequence of images or shapes regularly found in objects or on surfaces.


You will photograph
a total of 20 photos:
*5 of these photos must use extreme 'hard lighting' using a single light source to accentuate the detail in the texture.
*5 of these photos must have Line, Texture, and Pattern in the same photo.

This assignment will be due by the beginning of class on Monday, March 26th .

Criteria for Success: Your work should show experimentation with composition, macro camera settings, using hard lighting to accentuate texture and pattern, using of depth of field to limit and expand focus.

Eye Candy! - You're looking for images that will catch your eye. You'll find examples of lines, patterns and texture in everyday places.  Try and fill up the entire frame of your photograph with those lines, textures, or patterns. Use them to create strong images with a lot of contrast!

Friday, March 09, 2012

What to do today, Friday March 9th

Hello my fine Photography students. 
My apologies for being absent 2 Fridays in a row.  I will be back Monday.
Today I want you to focus on completing your "Famous Photographer" essay and photo collection.
No one is allowed to go out and shoot today, or check out cameras after school.  Sorry.
Everyone has had plenty of time to complete the 2 photography assignments, so they should be ready to be graded by Monday.  Make sure that you have them organized and ready for me to grade then.
Be good to your sub and have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Famous Photographer Assignment

Today you will be doing some research online while I start grading your 'Rules of Composition' assignment.
You are to search the web for 'Famous Photographers'.
I want you to find a photographer on the internet who's work you find appealing to your visual senses and write a half page essay on your photographer and their photos.
In this essay you must include what rules of composition are being used in the photographer's work and what type of mood or emotion their work evokes in you.
Are they a Landscape, Portrait, Documentary, Studio, Sports, or Abstract Photographer?
Describe what you see in this Photographer's work.
Are there any similarities or consistencies in this Photographer's work? What are they?
When were they born? Are they still alive?  When did their work become famous?
You will then save at least 10 samples of this photographer's work in a folder called 'Photographer' that you will create on your desktop.
You must save at least 10 examples of their work in this folder that you will later integrate into a Photoshop document with the your essay.
Make sure you take the time to find a photographer who's work you admire and are interested in.
Your essay and photos are due by Monday, March 12th.
Good luck!