Thursday, May 03, 2012

Life As You Know It

What do you want to remember about this time in your life when you're old and gray? Which people?  What things?  What feelings?  You will be surprised by what you forget about this time in your life when you become older.  Sometimes it's just the little things.

Example:  I found a photo of me and my girlfriend standing in front of a gas station in 1994.  What was surprising about this?  The sign in the back that read Gas .97 cents a gallon.  "Wow!"  That was some cheap gas back then!  I didn't remember until I saw the photo.  

What people, places, or things represent how life is for you at this moment in time?  What's society like in general?  What about Shoreline?   Your home?  Your fashion?  Your friends?  Take a photo of these iconic objects or people in your life. 

Utilize at least one rule of composition in each of these photos. 

This assignment is not due until May 21st, but now is a good time to start capturing "Life As You Know It".

You will be required to turn in these 50 photos on a contact sheet 8"w X 11"h, 5 columns , 10 rows, with a naming convention "_life".

My hope is that you will want to use these photos for your final CPE project, although it's not required.

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