Friday, June 01, 2012

Still Life

Still life photography is the depiction of inanimate subject matter, most typically a small grouping of objects that are either human-made or "natural." Still life photography, more so than other types of photography, such as landscape or portraiture, gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition.

Still life photography is a demanding art, one in which the photographers are expected to be able to form their work with a refined sense of lighting, coupled with compositional skills. The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. Knowing where to look for propping and surfaces also is a required skill.

You will go out and take 15 still life photographs. Use the links below to give you some ideas for composing your still life photos. You can think small or big. Compose your objects and shoot from different angles and with different light.


* David Latchman's Still Life Photogaphy
* The Photo Contest of Still Life
Google Images

Criteria for Success: These photographs should take full advantage of lighting and composition. Experiment with using light to create a mood in your composition. You should also experiment with texture and line. Use a tripod to eliminate any camera shake and to ensure sharp images.

When you've completed taking these Still Life photos, you'll make a contact sheet that is 11"- Width and 8"- Height.
Columns = 5
Rows = 3

The naming convention for this assignment is _stillThis assignment is due on Monday, June 11th.

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